Earth of Blind
1991m, documentary, 35 mm, 28"
Screenwriter and directror: Audrius Stonys
DOP: Rimvydas Leipus
Sound designer: Viktoras Juzonis
Composer: Vidmantas Bartulis
Editor: Danutė Cicėnaitė
The film springs from at least three ideas connected to each other in an irrational way: the story of a cow being taken to the butcher, the description of simple pleasures, how to ascend to the top of a hill and descend in a wheelbarrow, and the portraiture of a several blind people.

FELIX'92 for Best European Documentary, Canada, 1992
Best Experimental Film - International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen, Germany, 1992
Prize - International Visual Arts Festival MEDIAWAVE, Derry, Germany, 1992
Prize for Best Picture - International Film Festival, Mons, Belgium, 1992
Baltic Film and TV Film Festival in Bornholm, Sweden, 1992
International Film Forum "Arsenal", Riga, Latvia, 1992
Győr International Film Festival Mediawave, Hungary, 1993
Locarno International Film Festival, Tomorrow’s Leopardes, 2002
Die Film Fest., France, 1996
Screened at festivals and various film programs in Paris, Rouen, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, London.